Seminar Talk: Loneliness between Cultures

12 Aug 2024

East-West Psychological Science Research Center


The East-west psychological research center invites you to join us as we explore the complexities of loneliness across different cultures in our upcoming seminar.


  • Are people in individualistic societies truly lonelier than those in collectivistic ones?
  • What drives feelings of loneliness, and how do people across the globe cope with it?


Let’s delve into the diverse meanings and experiences of loneliness worldwide. Don’t miss this insightful discussion!



Dr. Luzia Heu, Assistant Professor in Interdisciplinary Social Science at Utrecht University (the Netherlands). She is a cross-cultural psychologist and mixed-methods researcher.


The event would be held on Thursday, August 15th, 2024

1:30 – 2:30 at Room 613, Borommaratchachonnani Srisattaphat Building (Faculty of Psychology), Chulalongkorn University


Register to join our talk here:







The East-West Psychological Science Research Center would like to extend our gratitude to Dr. Luzia Heu, from Utrech University, for leading the seminar on “Loneliness between Cultures.”


Dr. Heu offered a comprehensive exploration of the similarities and differences in meanings of loneliness, potential risk factors of loneliness across cultures, and outcomes of loneliness, shedding light on the profound impact this issue has on individuals in many parts of the world, both WEIRD and non-WEIRD countries.


The seminar also discussed remedies for loneliness, equipping attendees with ways to study and address this growing concern. Thank you, Dr. Heu, for sharing your expertise with us.





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