Online Workshop: Multicultural Diversity Research, Practice and Training in Clinical and Counseling Psychology

12 Jan 2022

The Clinical Psychology Program at Bowling Green State University is happy to offer an online workshop on multicultural diversity featuring international experts from Chulalongkorn University.


All interested faculty and students are welcome to attend!
Instructions for signing up for the conference are provided on the poster below.

The link for signing up for the is:








1) Impacts of internalized racism on a trainee therapist of colour:

In multiculturalism classes, therapists usually learn to be culturally sensitive to clients from minority groups and try to understand the clients’ psychological process and power dynamics of working with white therapists.

In this talk, we are going to look at the reversed process. What is a trainee therapist of colour’s psychological process when working with white clients, especially if the therapist has internalized racism?


2) When Eastern philosophies are integrated into Western psychological interventions, what do we learn from the integration


  1. Understanding the roles of mindfulness in Buddhism
  2. The Differences between Western and Eastern Mindfulness
  3. How we could integrate Buddhist teachings into Western psychotherapy.


3) Self-compassion and Compassion: Their Manifestations and Applications within the Thai Cultures


  1. To illustrate the manifestations of self-compassion and compassion within the Thai culture
  2. To highlight sample applications of the two constructs within the Thai culture
  3. To explore potential cross-cultural investigations in the investigations of self-compassion and compassion.


4) Integrating Multicultural Perspectives in Occupational Clinical Health Psychology Research and Practice


  1. To understand different levels of culture and their role in psychology
  2. To demonstrate how culture is integrated into occupational clinic health psychology research
  3. To explain multiculturalism and its importance in the occupational clinical health psychology practice
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